I Love the Sounds of Spring

April 5, 1997 – I Love the Sounds of Spring

I woke up this morning and began my morning meditation, during which this poem came to me:

5:30 AM. The Sun rises across the Bay.
The birds sing in the trees.
I lie in my bed, breathing in, breathing out.
I love the sounds of spring!

I’m not much of a poet, but this one seems OK!

Today promises to be one with many visitors! D. and S. G. spent last night with us and planned to be with us most of the day. K. S. came with her two kids. We had a great lunch at Kitti’s place, which seems to be our home away from home these days. Kitti was the chief chef at Comforts in San Anselmo. It seems that Comforts sold out about six months after Kitti opened his own place.

Later in the day, V. R. came with a friend of hers. V. is in my enneagram group and we have a deep affection for each other. She was so loving and compassionate that I hated to see her leave.

We went to A. and S. M.’s  for dinner, but I really started to get exhausted after walking a lot of steps up into their house on Lombard street.


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.