Healing Cancer with Your Mind
Our Story
The little boy in the video is my son, Micah. Other than being father and son, we have a common experience. We both are cancer survivors – Micah for 39 years and me for almost 20 years and we both used the 7 Strategies to thrive and succeed in our healing. Micah is now 47 and never had a recurrence.
Now, you too, can learn to use the seven principles of mindfulness in the newly released book, Healing Cancer with Your Mind. If you or anyone you know has cancer the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing can guide your way home through diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
We are offering this book for one major reason and your participation will go a long way to helping us meet our goal. Our primary objective is to touch the lives of the many thousands of people facing a cancer diagnosis each day as well as their families, caretakers and friends by sending them free copies of Healing Cancer with Your Mind.
For each book that you purchase, we will send a free printed copy to another person of your choice. In addition, we will use the proceeds to send free copies of Healing Cancer with Your Mind to oncology and radiology doctors, cancer research institutions, medical schools, complementary providers, hospitals and the like around the world for them to share with their patients.
Your purchase may lead you to become and advocate for healthcare and take charge of your healing experience. This is the first strategy. Dr. Kelly Turner, PhD has shown that taking control of your own healthcare is one of the nine factors for Radical Remission1.
This book is dedicated to the more than 138,000 people who will receive a cancer diagnosis during the next thirty days in the US alone.
This book is also dedicated to our wonderful teacher, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh who is receiving rehabilitation treatment a the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. We pray for his complete response and have committed 15% of the proceeds to his medical expenses here in the US.
1See Kelly Turner, PhD, Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, HarperCollins, 2014, discussed here.