A Mini Enneagram Lesson

April 6, 1997 – A Mini Enneagram Lesson

My oldest daughter is returned from Miami today only three hours late!  It’s been six days since I’ve seen her, and by her silence I know that she is safe and having the time of her life.

I was supposed to have a massage this morning, but it got cancelled because of the birth of a new baby instead! Oh well! So instead, I thought I’d tell you what I’ve been thinking about lately according to the enneagram.

The enneagram is a diagram that describes nine personality types shown in the diagram to the left. Each personality type has associated with it a vice and a virtue. In my case, since I’m a trooper, my vice is fear and my virtue is courage! This whole cancer issue for me has been a question of courage to face and accept my condition and find the necessary faith to take charge of my own treatment plan. By learning your enneagram point, you can discover what your vice and virtue are, and manage your case with the appropriate actions for your personality type. For more information, please see my enneagram pages.

I received another email from R. M., a 59 year old man in New Zealand who has bladder cancer and doesn’t want radical cystectomy either. We have been corresponding for more than a month, and the message I received today was quite special. He shared with me that he too had been a follower of Rajneesh, and offered many of Bhagwan’s meditations to me. I wrote back that I was called Swami Deva Ninad by Rajneesh in 1975 and knew all about the meditations. I’m waiting to hear back from him!


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.