Latest News

I hope you are all well and happy.

I want to share with you this latest news about my health condition.

In the last email, I told you that Dr. Meng did not see anything he would want to biopsy. This was absolutely true.

We got the results of the cytology test on my urine last week and they found cancer cells in my urine.

Dr. Meng gave me three alternatives: radical cystectomy, biopsy under anesthesia, or BCG treatments. BCG is an attenuated tuberculosis vaccine that is administered directly into the bladder. It causes and immune response that takes out the cancer cells along with combating the tuberculosis. There are no research papers on the effectiveness of BCG with muscle invasive bladder cancer.

We decided on the biopsy, which will take place next Friday, June 6 at UCSF on Divisadero.

I am still in a good place with regard to my treatment and meditation.

Yesterday, I saw a wonderful Ayurveda physician, Dr. Sarita Shrestha. She had be teaching Rachael since the beginning of May and I was fortunate to get an appointment with her. She has a hospital in Nepal and treats people in the outlying villages. She advised me to move ahead with no fear and not think about cancer.

I also spoke to Roger Morrison who’s advice as a friend was to not rush into the radical cystectomy. He thought that giving the homeopathic cancer remedy he gave me needed more time to work and I need more time to see if there are any other immunotherapies that might help.

I am thinking of GcMAF (see for more information).

Your visits, calls, and emails are still very important to me. I am happy and grateful for your love and support.


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.