The Major Factor is Mindfulness

This morning, I went to a Feldenkrais class taught by Joanne at D. B.’s house. I’ve been there before, and always enjoyed it. Today was special because the lesson involved the knees and hips, which have been a problem for me over the past few years. Gail Teehan treated me to lunch and we walked a little in Belvedere Park. I almost had my strength back.

The rest of the day I spent working on some new problems in the Sniffer. When will they ever end?

I was beginning to wonder, “Where do we go from here?” The treatments are done, but I am aware that surface tumors can recur under normal circumstances. My job is to continue to keep my circumstances on a higher plane. I have to keep on taking my supplements, continue with support groups, guided imagery, exercise, and body work. I should be back playing tennis by the end of the week! Nonetheless, the major factor is still mindfulness!


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.