J. and L. Return From Europe!

I got to play two sets of tennis at Eastwood Park! The gang was amazed that I was playing and I was playing so well. I had to rest a little during the second set, but, all in all, I did very well!

J. and L. came for lunch and we had a lovely time. Then I took my daughter to meet her friend to go to the circus and spoke to her father for a long time. We talked about my healing journey and his recent vacation. He was very happy for me and said that what I was doing was helping us all!

Later in the after noon, I received an email message from Elisabeth Frauendorfer, Ph.D. about some new research she was doing about a theory about the cause and development of disease, and experiments leading to a possible therapy/cure. If anyone is interested in what she has to say, please send her email. I am planning to forward a copy to Michael Broffman to see what he has to say.

In the evening, R. C. came over with his daughter, daughter-in-law, and grandson for dinner. The daughter is graduating Marin Horizon School with my daughter, and they are close friends. R. C. is a self made millionaire who we’ve been friends with since pre-school. His wife is on a two-week first-class tour of England, Prague, and Budapest for her 50th birthday. He’s trying to sell his company now and feels really good about it. We spoke about a workshop he attended which called for speaking your own truth and not trying to change anyone else. The discussion was fascinating and could have gone on for hours. I’m sure we’ll resume it the next time we get together.


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.