A Confusing Day with Surgeons

When I first spoke with Dr. Gullion about the schwannoma, he referred me to Dr. Warren, a doctor at UCSF to do the surgery.  On Monday, his office called me to say that Dr. Warren was going to be out of town for the next few weeks and recommended that I see Dr. Norton.  Well, in tune with my attitude about doing the best possible research, I didn’t want to see Dr. Norton without checking into the matter more fully.  So, I asked Dr. Gullion what he thought, and he wanted me to speak with Dr. Warren first.  Dr. Gullion finally called me back this morning at 11:00, while my appointment with Dr. Norton was at 10:45.  I also had an appointment with Dr. Warren, so I missed both of them through all of the confusion.  The point of all of this is that I want to be very careful about who keeps me from playing tennis for any period of time due to the surgery on my leg.

I finally took some time away with my wife over the weekend.  After seeing Leslie Davenport on Friday, we took off to Gualala, a small town on the Mendocino coast.  We spent two nights in different motels, each equipped with a Jacuzzi in the room.  We had a wonderful time.  The beach at Gualala is beautiful and awe inspiring.


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.