No Magic Bullets

February 4, 1997 – No Magic Bullets!

The next morning, we shipped J. off with M. L. T. and headed for Dr. Roger Morrison, a world renowned homeopath. We explained the situation to Roger, and he was all for the bladder saving approach, especially because it provided an option to save the bladder, as well as a fallback position of bladder removal. However, we didn’t learn very much new from Roger, and this was rather disappointing. We were looking for a magic bullet, but none was to be found.

no magic bullets

In the afternoon, I saw the Russian healer, Nicholi Levaschov, in San Francisco. I loved the man at first sight, as I could see his healing qualities and felt good in his presence. However, I found it very difficult to understand his English, and therefore have not followed up with any further treatment, as yet. What he did was quite remarkable, though. He seemed to be able to stand over my body and evoke healing energy. He moved his hands in circles around the area of my bladder, and I felt the energy quite clearly. I sensed that he was working with colors and when I felt the color, yellow, I made a comment. He confirmed my sensitivity and continued the treatment. All in all, I was there for about thirty minutes and enjoyed the experience quite well.

My next appointment was with Suzanne Schmidt’s healer, Yokey Kim, at his studio, Kim’s Yoga Body Design in Japan Town in San Francisco. Kim is a Korean shiatsu and acupressure healer of top quality. I felt a lot of tension release from my shoulders and legs during the treatment, which lasted about one hour. The cost of the session was only forty dollars!

Although Roger, Nicholi, and Kim are all incredible natural healers, there were no magic bullets to be had! I was left to my own devices, such as “mind stories” and other spiritual practices.

Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.