Are you interested in having a free printed copy of Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness:How to Thrive and Succeed in a Complex Cancer System for yourself or someone you know?
If so, you can reserve a copy in the name of the person you provide by filling out this form. You will receive your copy if you are one of the first 200 people to request a copy.
Here is what Dr. Kelly Turner said about Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness:
“Dr. Freedman speaks from experience, both as a cancer survivor himself, and the father of a Radical Remission cancer survivor. His book, “Healing with 7 Principles of Mindfulness” gives readers a nurturing, helping hand throughout the entire cancer journey, especially with regard to developing a meditation practice.”
-Kelly Turner, PhD, Author of the NYTimes Bestseller “Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds”
The Indiegogo campaign for Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness completed on September 18. When you visit the site, you will be greeted by an extremely powerful video from 1980. It is a clip from an episode of In Search of … with Leonard Nemoy (Dr. Spock). It tells the story of the (miraculous ?) recovery of Micah Freedman from metastatic kidney cancer (a Wilm’s tumor) which had metastasized to his lungs.
Micah’s dad (that would be me) began investigating alternatives during the time Micah was in surgery and taught him how to do “mind stories” while he was recovering. Nobody thought he would survive. We hired Dr. Sheldon Ruderman, a psychologist and a cancer survivor trained by Dr. O. Carl Simonton, to continue working with Micah using “mind stories”.
No one knows how or why Micah survived. Some call it a miracle, but we like to think that combining alternative medical practices with the surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy that he received was the key to his recovery.
The Indiegogo campaign for Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness was designed to raise money to buy hopefully hundreds or even thousands of books to distribute to the people who need them the most – people living with or newly diagnosed with cancer and their families and caretakers. We hope to send many copies to organizations like the Simonton Cancer Center as well as research institutions, oncology departments, cancer care centers, and anywhere else we can think of.
How You Can Help
There are several ways that you can help make the book launch for Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness be a success. Please consider participating all of the following:
- Share the link to all your contacts.
- Send us the names and contact information of people who you know that would like a copy of Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness.
- Share the link to your associates at work or your neighbors.
- Send us the names and contact information of organizations that would be interested in distributing copies, whether free or for purchase.
- Write a review or recommendation that we can add to the Amazon page as the book sells.
- Share the link on your social media sites – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and anywhere else you can think of.
- Help us be invited to appear on Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday or other TV and radio shows.
How can you help? Which ones on the above list will you commit to participate in? We need all the help we can get.