Mother’s Day

I spent the morning doing research on new developments in bladder cancer. I visited the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network and watched some videos from the November, 2009 Patient Forum. The information was kind of distressing. At the same time KGO TV had a special on new developments in cancer and one of the segments was on bladder cancer. Obviously, this was the most interesting segment for me and you can watch it too.

Mother’s day was really nice. The girls made smoke salmon pizza and chocolate covered strawberries which were yummy! The Rossmans shared the meal and the day with us until late in the afternoon.


Mother’s Day

On my 56th birthday on October 8, 1995, my wife had just completed orthoscopic hip surgery six days earlier. As a result, she was not able to make much of a birthday celebration for me. In addition, my son’s mother showed up just about dinner time with my son, so she wound up staying with us for takeout Chinese! It was one of the strangest birthdays I ever had! So, today, I’m the one who is unable to contribute to a Mother’s Day celebration, although I did buy flowers and make a nice card on Thursday.

I imagine it will be another day of phone calls and visitors.


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.