Treatment Options: Radiological Consult

January 30, 1997 – Radiological Consult

The next day we met with Dr. Torigoe. This time we took J and L with us. They have been friends for the whole time my wife and I have been together, and they have and extremely rational outlook on life. Naturally, we would have liked to take Dr. Rossman too, but he has his practice and we didn’t want to bother him.

We had a very long discussion with Dr. Torigoe. His patience and understanding were remarkable. He, too, thought that the “Gold Standard” for treatment of bladder cancer is radical cystectomy. But, as he put it, “Radiation and chemotherapy are a viable alternative, especially if the radical cystectomy is too morbid for some people.”

When I explained what transpired in our conversation with Dr. Torigoe to Dr. Rossman, he recommended that I contact Dr. Dave Gullion, who he was planning to see the next day at Commonweal. Dr. Gullion is a medical oncologist in the same building as Dr. Torigoe and he is also associated with Marin General Hospital.



Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.