Short Term Vision

In my session today with Leslie Davenport, I touched on several important
areas. The first was trying to decide between a massage Friday morning
or playing tennis. Thinking about the weeks ahead, it became clear that
a massage would work better for me, even though I have finally been invited
to become a regular in a foursome that I have been substituting in for
the past two or three years! I see a lot of massages and a lot of tennis
in my future!

My short term vision was that a lot of the issues I’m dealing with in
regards to my illness will be cleared up in September, after I spend six
days with Thich Nhat Hanh and have my cystoscopic exam the week after.
Somehow, I sensed that there would be some clarity in my life about the
issues around my illness as well as other aspects.


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.