How Much Love Does It Take?

Today I went to a benefit concert of classical music for my friend J. W., a long-time friend and member of my small enneagram group. She is also living with cancer, and the Diamond Heart group she belongs to sponsored the concert. The concert raised more than $1,400 to help J. pay for her medical expenses. She’s a great lady and deserves all the help she can get. There were more than fifty people there and I thought to myself, “How much love does it take to heal from cancer and get on with your life? How much love does it take to make you realize that you need to love yourself first, and then you can share it with others?” J. certainly was surrounded by people who loved her, and she was radiant!

I sat with D. K., another member of my eneagram group, and his wife. All three were so supportive of my situation, and when I had to lie down for the second half of the concert, D. was rubbing my feet!


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.