Second Week Of Treatment

February 12, 2014 was the day for gemciteabin with that horrible dexamethasone. The night was not as bad as the previous night of treatment on February 5th had been.

The week has generally be good with many visitors.

I have been granted a scholarship by Sunflower Wellness at the Bay Club in Corte Madera. So far, I’ve had a qi gong, a yoga class with weights, and a yoga class taught by Marcie Anderson. I loved them all, although I was unable to keep up with Marcie’s class.


Let The Treatment Begin

On January 31, 2014, we met with Dr. Gullion. Remember, he is the oncologist who wears a heart pin on his shirt.

It was a bitter-sweet meeting, as both of us hoped I was cured.

Anyway, we discussed my situation and decided to begin treatment on February 5.

With Susan’s advice, I decided to have acupuncture with Dr. Marty Rossman each day before the chemo infusion. I am responding well to these treatments.

The first day of chemo on February 5, 2014 lasted 7.5 hours! I had cisplatin,  gemcitabine, and lots of anti-nausea drugs.

I spent the first hour meditating and then began the process of hydrating myself to minimize the effect of the chemotherapy agents.

I was visited by friends and even took a couple of walks around the atrium of the building.

All in all, things went quite well, except at night. Because of the dexamethasone in the drip – one of the anti-nausea drugs, I was up all night. I meditated. I wrote. I read. I did everything but sleep. Weird!

The herbs and supplements recommended by Michael Broffman arrived by special messenger (Carolyn) and I begen taking them with the kitchari Rachael had made.


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.