Anat Meets Anna

I brought Anat Baniel, Gail Teehan, and Nancy Aberle, a Feldenkrais practitioner in Santa Barbara to Anna Halprin‘s class this evening.  The interaction among these wonderful teachers was wonderful.  One of the members arrived at the class and was actually too sick to do anything.  She wanted to be taken to the emergency room to see if there was anything they could do for her.  She left with the lady that brought her and another member of our group.

This put the group in a rather somber mood, so Anna had us do a remarkable ceremony with Native American overtones.  The movement brought us quite close together and we all felt better for ourselves and for the sick lady.  It turned out that she was able to go home that evening.


Feldenkrais with Harold

On Wednesday, I had another session with Leslie Davenport, and today, I met with her with my wife for the second time.  Things went much better this time, and we seemed to get along better after the session.  I was careful to express what I thought would work for me and I felt that Mala really got it.

Earlier, I had a Feldenkrais lesson with Harold at the Feldenkrais training led by Anat Baniel.  Although the session was not as good as I am used to, it worked well for me.  Harold runs several old folks homes and his daughter runs physical therapy studios in the Chicago area. Gail and I took Harold out for lunch to tell him about our workshops.  His reaction was favorable and he said that he would talk things over with his daughter and get back to us.  His story about his illness and how he came to the Feldenkrais training was fascinating, but I won’t go into it here.


Copyright © 2004-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D.